MDH recorded 1011 opioid-involved overdose deaths in Minnesota in 2023.

1011 community and family members.

We can do better, Minnesota!

Hi, there.

We’re tired of the opioid crisis and we’re committed to real-world, practical solutions.

Humans have a network of neurological receptors that help modulate and suppress pain signals, part of our endocannabinoid systems. If the name of the system sounds familiar, it’s because these same receptors respond to natural, heated extracts from cannabis plants. This is why we’ve all heard stories of people successfully treating debilitating chronic pain, seizures, and more with cannabis.

If we want to solve the opioid crisis, we need more, better, and harm-reducing options to treat pain. We have over a dozen areas of research already identified for pursuit. Ultimately, we believe that practical research will give Minnesotan patients, families, and communities better options — which they deserve.

Let’s give doctors, patients, and chronic pain sufferers more options!

Research options

We’re working with a team of healthcare, research, and cannabis industry experts to establish multiple research proposals, including survey, double-blind, lab, and policy efforts to research practically using cannabinoids to treat pain.

Doing nothing is not an option

It’s time to act. Let’s put some of our resources to use and show the world what Minnesotans can do when we set our mind to something.

Keep it local

Minnesota has some of the best research institutions in the world. We want to cooperate to set practical research goals that can be applied to real-life situations that many Minnesotan families face.


Our goal is to understand and promote natural, harm-reducing options to treat pain and to use that understanding to establish effective policies to protect lives.